Oral Communications & Posters

We are delighted to present you the Best Oral Communications and Best Poster Presentations of 12th Edition of the International Workshop on Lung Health.

Sustainability in Lung Health: What do Medical Students Know?

Areen Tawil (United Kingdom)




The Scientific Committee will select 4 Oral Communications to be presented in the Plenary Room.

A call for original scientific works focused on Respiratory Rare diseases is open.

Unsuccessful Oral Communications will be included in the Posters session.

Accepted Oral Communication presenters will have the opportunity to:

  • Present their work during the Oral Communication session scheduled on Saturday January 18th, 2024.
  • Receive personal feedback of the Presidents and Chairmen of the congress.
  • Enter the Awards for Best Oral Communication
  • Benefits for winning presenters include:
    • Abstracts published on the Official Workshop book of abstracts
    • Presenter’s name, profile, abstract and poster published on the congress website
    • Presenter’s name and title of the abstract published on the post–congress newsletter distributed to more than 8,000 European Professionals in Respiratory Medicine
    • Free registration to the 13th International Workshop on Lung Health

Authors presenting an oral communication should be registered participants.

Delineation of the molecular mechanisms underlying TSLP-driven non-type 2 inflammatory responses in severe asthma

Efthymia Theofani (Greece)

Nontuberculous mycobacterial lung disease (Mycobacterium xenopi) in a patient with eating disorder without other risk factors

Michele Capelli (Italy)

End-of-life care for lung transplant recipients: a new role for palliative medicine

Gianmarco Putti (Italy)




Accepted poster presenters will have the opportunity to:

  • Present their work orally during the strolling poster session scheduled on Friday, January 17, 2025
  • Receive personal feedback from the congress Presidents and Chairmen
  • Have their abstract published in the Abstract Book
  • Compete for the Best Poster Presentation Awards and enjoy benefits such as:
    • Abstracts published on the Official Workshop book of abstract
    • Presenter’s name, profile, abstract and poster published on the congress website
    • Presenter’s name and title of the abstract published on the post–congress newsletter distributed to more than 8,000 European Professionals in Respiratory Medicine
    • Free registration to the 13ththInternational Workshop on Lung Health


Authors presenting a poster during the oral poster session should be registered participants. (Posters will not be displayed from unregistered authors).

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