Faculty Welcome to the IWLH 2023 Faculty Page. Click on the Faculty Member’s name to read the biosketch and know their programme commitments. PROGRAMME A B C D G H J M O R S T V W Search : × AStefano AlibertiRespiratory MedicineHumanitas University, Milan, ItalyItalyClick here to download the C.O.I.Francesco AmatiDiseases of the Respiratory SystemIRCCS Humanitas Research HospitalItalyIgnacio J. AnsoteguiSpainBFrancesco BlasiRespiratory MedicineUniversità degli Studi di MilanoItalyClick here to download the C.O.I.Benedetta BondiUniversità degli studi di Genova, IRCCS-Ospedale San MartinoItalyFulvio BraidoAllergology and ImmunologyUniversity of GenoaItalyClick here to download the C.O.I.CG. Walter CanonicaAllergology and ImmunologyPersonalized Medicine Clinic Asthma&Allergy Humanitas Research HospitalItalyClick here to download the C.O.I.Mario CazzolaRespiratory DiseasesUniversity of Rome Tor VergataItalyClick here to download the C.O.I.Pilar CejudoSpainStefano CentanniRespiratory DiseasesUniversità degli Studi di MilanoItalyClick here to download the C.O.I.James D. ChalmersRespiratory ResearchUniversity of DundeeUnited KingdomClick here to download the C.O.I.Marco ContoliMalattie dell'Apparato Respiratorio - Respiratory DiseasesUniversity of FerraraItalyClick here to download the C.O.I.Borja G. CosÃoHospital Universitario Son EspasesSpainClick here to download the C.O.I.DRaja DharDirector and Head of Dept, Pulmonology, Director Research and Education, National Allergy Asthma Bronchitis InstituteC K Birla Hospitals, KolkataIndiaFabiano Di MarcoDirector of the School of Specialization on Infectious Diseases of the Respiratory SystemUniveristy of Milan and Hospital Papa Giovani XXIIIItalyClick here to download the C.O.I.GAndrea GramegnaCardiovascular and respiratory diseasesFondazione IRCCS Ca’ Granda Ospedale Maggiore Policlinico; University of MilanItalyClick here to download the C.O.I.HNataliia HabshydzeDnipro State Medical UniversityUkraineJLuis JaraSpainMMarco ManteroItalyMarc MiravitllesPulmonologistHospital Universitari Vall d’Hebron in BarcelonaSpainClick here to download the C.O.I.Pedro MontecinoSpainClick here to download the C.O.I.Letizia MorlacchiRespiratory Unit & CF Adult Centre; Fondaz IRCCS Ca’ Granda Ospedale Maggiore Policlinico MilanoItalyORemedios OteroSpainRDejan RadovanovicDivision of Respiratory Diseases, Luigi Sacco University Hospital - Milan, ItalyItalyClick here to download the C.O.I.Luca RicheldiRespiratory Diseases, Catholic University of the Sacred heart - Agostino Gemelli Hospital (Rome)Fondazione Policlinico Universitario Agostino Gemelli IRCCSItalyClick here to download the C.O.I.Carlos Robalo CordeiroMD - Respiratory DiseasePortugalNicolas RocheRespiratory Medicine, Cochin-Broca-Hôtel-Dieu Hospital GroupParis Cité UniversityFranceClick here to download the C.O.I.Paola RoglianiRespiratory MedicineUniversity of Rome Tor VergataItalyClick here to download the C.O.I.SPierachille SantusItalyClick here to download the C.O.I.Gianenrico SennaItalyMichal ShteinbergPulmonary medicineCarmel Medical Center and the Technion, HaifaIsraelClick here to download the C.O.I.TAntoni TorresRespiratoryUniversity of Barcelona, Hospital Clinic of Barcelona, IDIBAPS, CIBEResSpainClick here to download the C.O.I.VJakko van IngenRadboud University Medical CenterNetherlands (The)Click here to download the C.O.I.Johann Christian VirchowRespiratory DiseasesUniversity of RostockGermanyClick here to download the C.O.I.WMichael WechslerNJHUSAClick here to download the C.O.I.