- Abstracts should be written in English and the complete abstract must not exceed the box space (500 words). Abstracts could contain formulas, pictures or graph.
- For each abstract a presenting author should be identified.
- All the communications concerning the abstract will be sent to the submitter who will be responsible for informing the other authors of the status of the abstract.
- Submitting an abstract you should select the appropriate category (“Rising Star” or “Poster” or “Oral Communication”)
- Submitting an abstract you should select the appropriate topic among the ones identified for the congress.
- Structured abstracts are mandatory stating clearly the Background/Aims, Methods, Results and Conclusions.
- We recommend that you prepare your text in a word processing programme (e.g. Microsoft Word) and then copy-paste the final text into the online abstract submission form.
- Abstracts must be submitted on or before the closing date (November 3rd, 2023). The organisers reserve the right to reject any abstract for failure to comply with submission instructions mentioned on the congress website.
- It is possible to submit more than one abstract. However, only one presenting author per abstract is permitted.
- Please ensure that your abstract does not contain spelling, grammatical or scientific errors. No corrections are possible after the submission deadline. The abstract will be reproduced exactly as submitted. No proofreading will be done.
- The presenting author must accept full responsibility for the content, submission and presentation of the abstract, and retain full copyright of their abstract and presentation. By submitting an abstract, authors give consent and authorize the organisers to publish or submit for publication their abstract, presentation, picture and biography, and to include them in any congress printed or electronic publications.
- Submitters can go back and make changes to an abstract submitted when it is as a draft copy until the deadline. However, please note that finalized abstracts cannot be edited after approving the drafts.
- Conflict of Interest/Disclosure: Abstracts must include an acknowledgement of any commercial funding sources. Authors should declare all commercial interests.
- All studies must have been approved by institutional committees on ethics of experimental and human investigations.
If you have any questions regarding abstracts please contact: